
World of warships console forums
World of warships console forums

You might or might not want to take into account the fact that buying the Juruá right now comes with a brief fixed period of +200% XP. Some people are okay with this others not. You are paying extra strictly for the cool factor. Bear in mind that the functionality of the camo is exactly the same as the regular permacamo the ship comes with. If you are motivated by the urge to drive a ship that looks like a giant anaconda, there is a pricier bundle which gives Juruá that look. If you have the Nueve de Julio and you specifically want a Pan-American DD to supplement her, at least you know what you're getting - read and/or watch reviews/gameplay with the Gallant and you will have Juruá.ī) You play British destroyers and you don't yet have a premium one (not that it matters as much, given the new captain skill system).Ĭ) You merely want a Gallant-class DD irrespective of nation.

world of warships console forums world of warships console forums

I spoke to this she assured me that it is indeed a Gallant in every way bar the nation it's assigned to.

World of warships console forums